Summer Shopping

So this morning while laying in bed contemplating what I should wear on such a gorgeously hot and beautiful day, I came to the hurried conclusion that I have no summer clothes. This is a boldfaced lie, but I really just wanted some new capris, because I mainly only wear jeans or leggings - even in blistering hot heat. And because I stayed over at Boyfriend's last night, I had no leggings or dresses with me, since I am too dumb and/or lazy to check the weather before I get clothes together to bring there. Hence, off shopping I went.

I did find capris (I've already lost interest in them), but I found myself more drawn to all of the shoe stores that the mall had to offer me. This I am going to blame on Ginger and her awesome blog, which I have become addicted to... also, I think I might love her more than Allie because Ginger posts every day and doesn't leave me waiting weeks for a new post. I mean, I love Allie, but I am severely impatient, and more than a week for a new post is ridiculous.

And if you know me, I don't even have to tell you that I went ahead and bought some shoes. The surprising part is that these are shoes that I will be able to wear more often than the heels I am constantly buying. They are so cute and comfy, and they were only $20! Everyone should be going out and buying a pair from Spring. They came in lots of different colors, but they only had white left in my size, so I am currently rocking the white pair. You can bet your boots that I've already ordered the black and pink pair from the website.

It was then necessary for me to buy a couple outfits to go with these little puppies, because I don't think they look quite right with long jeans. But they look absolutely adorable with my new capris and the sundress I got myself today! So now, because I have all these awesome clothes, it will rain all week. Sorry.



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